Monday, July 21, 2014

Getting Back To Rainbows

The Lord put it on my heart that it was time to read the bible once again from beginning to end. Time to get His word fresh in my head and heart and be reminded of a few scriptures I can't seem to find, and Im sure hopeful I will come across some new discoveries. Something new I got stuck on was a verse in Genesis 6:3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years." I got excited that there could be some hidden revelation and started texting my people..oh what could it mean?? Im sure the Lord was rolling His eyes at me when He revealed it means it took Noah 120 years to build the ark and then He flooded the earth. Ok, I felt like a doofus. The next couple of verses are worthy to be noted and pondered upon. After Noah built an altar to the Lord, Genesis 8:21 The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in His heart: "Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood(Sad, I read this and think of the teenage girls Rachel Schoaf and Sheila Eddy that killed their "best friend" Skylar Neese) . And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done." After such a great event, I can just see the Lord deeply inhaling and with a deep sigh of compassion and heartbreak, I can only assume much after thought, make such a promise. Looking upon His original reason for flooding the earth, do you know how much love and discipline it would be to keep such a promise for a God that is so capable of such power, so worthy of righteousness, to hold back His hand from that kind of wrath ever again? We have got to be so much more evil and wicked than they ever were in Noah's time. People of that time could not even possibly carry out the wicked imaginations that we can today with the help of technology. I do intend to touch more on some personal revelations and end time prophecies surrounding the days of Noah but right now I just sense the Lord has been wanting us to understand the promise, how important and special it is, to appreciate the love that surrounds the symbol of the rainbow, to know it is something meant to be honored and is worthy, not to be defiled or mocked by the world.
The Lord goes on to say Genesis 9:4-6

4 “But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. 5 And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being.

6 “Whoever sheds human blood,
by humans shall their blood be shed;
for in the image of God
has God made mankind.

Once again He is reminding us how important life is and how serious we need to be about it. He means what He says and we need to take it serious in our hearts. You've got two other scriptures to back up that promise. Mathew 26:52 those that fight by the sword will die by the sword. Our good old time favorite Galations 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
The thing that touched me the most is reading Genesis 9:12-16 ..12 Then God said, “I am giving you a sign of My covenant with you and with all living creatures, for all generations to come. 13 I have placed My rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of My covenant with you and with all the earth. 14 When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will appear in the clouds, 15 and I will remember my covenant with you and with all living creatures. Never again will the floodwaters destroy all life. 16 When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth.” He keeps saying I WILL matter what you do, or what your children do, I am going to look at the rainbow, I am going to honor MY promise, even if you don't. THAT is unconditional love! THAT is a persevering love!

I love when the Lord is speaking because its not just only one person that gets the revealation, it becomes a theme across the land. That's when you know it's the Spirit of God speaking because its about checks and balances, and being intuned with one spirit, one mind, one truth. Pastor Joseph Prince was speaking from his heart about rainbows too recently and how he believes that at the time Jesus died on the cross there must have been a rainbow above Him because of the covenant (the promise), he shared Isaiah 54:9 "To me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth. So now I have sworn not to be angry with you, never to rebuke you again." After what I have read and shared with you, I can believe it too.

Your Creator loves you. He sent His Son Jesus to be the sacrifice for you. To take on all the wrath, pain, and anger for YOU! Don't let this FREE GIFT be in vain! If you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord, simply pray the following prayer in faith. Why? Because His Word says, "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" and "If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus,and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.(Acts 2:21; Romans 10:9) He said YOUR salvation would be the result of His HOLY SPIRIT giving YOU new birth by coming to live in you. (John 3:5-6, 15-16, Romans 8:9-11) There is nothing you can do to earn it, you will never be holy enough on your own, and you're not required to be. Simply pray believing, Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask You to come into my life and forgive me of all my sins. I confess my sins before You this day. I accept Jesus into my heart and as the Lord of my life. Thank You for saving me and helping me to understand Your love for me. I believe with my heart and I confess with my mouth that You rose Jesus from the dead. I am saved and that my righteousness is of you and not myself. I pray this prayer to the Father in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Possess My Being As A Vessel To Be Sanctified & Honored

I have to reflect on this because it does make me so happy that my husband is in the home and parenting his children more and more.(Its never too late! Children need their fathers! They never stop longing for their fathers! Trust me Im 37 and I can't wait for the fulfillment of this promise...Malachi 4:5-6 5“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet BEFORE the great and awesome day of THE LORD COMES. 6 And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers ....” Women you need to quite manipulating fathers as well! Good or bad! Do your part and let God do the rest! Let me share with you how.:) I see it as a direct answer to my prayers. All the changes, a reflection of my obedience and perseverance in FAITH and APPLICATION of Gods word, the development of more positive behaviors in myself, and learning how to understand my husbands needs, how he thinks and feels as a man, how to work towards operating in harmony with him, and WAIT on God to bring about the right changes. Yes, I said WAIT! Praise God if you've never had any issues with your man! Don't worry! Then Im not speaking to you! Hey! I first had to learn how to trust God and become the quiet and submissive wife. Like Joyce Meyer says, I tried it the worlds way and it never worked. 17 years of "discussing" that became nagging, that became screaming, yelling and fighting (James 4:2 You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.) He was a hard headed man....and because I could not figure out how to get what I wanted and needed from my husband, I, like the song sings...started looking for love in all the wrong places...looking for love in too many faces...even though that was not what I wanted to do deep down inside. God intervened so many times on so many levels until, like my re-occurring dream analysis stated.."I would be floored" Well, that became true as "I was floored". Hellen Keller stated, "discipline is the gateway through which knowledge enters the mind of a child." You ain't never too old for your Heavenly Father to lovingly discipline you as His child to get knowledge into you. I have now learned to embrace His discipline and allow it to draw me so close to Him and I love Him all the more for it! Mmmm....I don't even know if I can go on writing right now...I have to keep pausing because I am so overwhelmed by His mere presence as my heart wells up with deep love and appreciation for what He has done and all that He taught me. Through some time (it wasn't overnight)my husband didn't know how to deal with his own perspective on these issues...because I was a nagging, screaming, and what he considered demanding and controlling wife (come on ladies, I know you are hearing me on this) his heart became hard and he started dancing to the same tune and started looking for love in all the wrong places...looking for love in too many faces...although, there were other enticing and inspiring spiritual factors I won't get into right now, the Lord once again intervened in a great and mighty way. The responsibility of change fell on me (my ladies we've had this discussion) because I knew the Lord, I trusted in the Lord, and I knew His word.So I submitted everything I was inside to the Lord, and He taught me and He walked with me. It started with taking accountability for my own actions, behaviors, thoughts and feelings, and repenting to my husband, then learning how to submit to him as submitting to God. (my resources during this time became Winning Him Without Words by Dineen Miller and Lynn Donovan and their blog "Spiritually Unequal Marriage", A Wife's Prayer by Pamela Hines, and I keep diving deeper still into The Power of A Praying Wife and The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage(more in depth) books and videos by Stormie Omaritan. It just keeps speaking to me in different ways in different seasons! ) I learned how destructive any nagging or screaming was to my husband and children and how quickly it caused him especially, to shut down and build up almost indestructible walls. Thank God He can tear down Jericho walls in a mans heart! Proverbs 18:19 "An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city, and his disputes are like the bars of a fortress" I never want to cause my husband to build up walls like that ever again! If I had only known! Not only did I feel the shame of conviction wondering how could I have ever justified the behaviors that hurt him as a Holy Spirit filled woman of God (blinded by my own pain) was almost an impossible feat to tear down these walls! Of course for me it was. He told me nothing I could say or do would change his heart. Ya...but, well, we all underestimated the power of God to change a man's heart. Every time I want to give up I hear His voice loud and clear and it causes me to submit again and again. The Holy Spirit WILL NOT be underestimated! I guess Ive said all that to share this...I've learned men mentally put things into compartments, they think on them and disect them in their thoughts, where you and I can't see them. If you start nagging and pressuring them and not giving them a chance to process in their own way, you cause them to slam those drawers shut. You might need to remind them a time or two to revisit those compartments, but say it kindly and then leave it alone. No need to nag or yell, and throw tantrums, or call them names.( And yes, let me tell you that your disrespect to your husband IS SIN and WILL HINDER YOUR ANSWERED PRAYERS AND BLESSINGS, and just like any contempt or disorder in a court room, God WILL stop to deal with you and bring about order in you before proceeding on with him. Keep that in mind). Once they feel disrespected, they many times will not re-visit those issues. They will close up, many will walk away, or like my husband finally communicated to me, pull back inside like a turtle. See? Try breaking through that shell. If they don't respond to you, put it to prayer and God will respond. Remember first Peter 3:1 "In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives" Some state that if a man won't listen to the TRUTH, become quiet and he will fall in love with your beauty. A kind, gentle, obedient woman is beautiful to both man and God. It may not be immediate, but pray for a word on the issue, and keep praying it and seek God to make whatever changes you need to make in YOURSELF, while that seed continues to grow in him. Keep watering with praise and trust in the Lord. Know that He has sent the Holy Spirit as He said He would to activate His word, until you see it sprouting and bringing forth the requested fruit. I can take you through all my prayers and steps, but now that the walls are coming down Ive been able to go back to my husband regarding issues like parenting and say gently I need you to step in when you hear the kids talking back, being disrespectful, and yelling at me. They need your authority. I appreciate it when you take charge (that's another area of submission I had to learn to exercise, letting him take charge even if it was different from the way I would have done things, whether its my children or the house chores. The more I let him be him and do things his way, the more he is willing to step up....aaand it's really not that bad. The kids are surviving and having some help with the chores is better than no help, and the more I show appreciation for what he is doing and affirming him in those things, the more he does, the better he does.There is more order in my home, less stress and strife. My husband feels more respected which causes him to feel more confident and loved, and gives him a sense of purpose. All that God ordained it to be!) (I know, I know...where is your appreciation and affirmation? It will come! Keep planting those seeds! God says you will not be without honor. I always reflect back to Colossians 3:22-24 22 " You who are servants who are owned by someone, obey your owners. Work hard for them all the time, not just when they are watching you. Work for them as you would for the Lord because you honor God. 23 Whatever work you do, do it with all your heart. Do it for the Lord and not for men(not just for your husband). 24 Remember that you will get your reward FROM THE LORD. HE WILL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU SHOULD RECEIVE. You are working for the Lord Christ." Jesus also told Peter you do what I tell you to do because you follow me. I hold onto this with all my heart because it is so true. It doesn't matter what anybody, including my husband says or does...I answer to God alone and He is faithful to me. My God honors me by removing people from husbands life when I pray, like He did for Sarah. I just kept praying that my husband honors me as a Holy Temple unto the Lord. This has been my prayer when dealing with afflictions of lust and perversions, but lately I have also been applying it in the area needing to be respected and honored as a wife and mother. 1 Thessalonians 4:4 "That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor". I am my husbands vessel, and not only do I need to possess my own vessel in sanctification and honor, but my HUSBAND needs to learn how to possess MY BEING as a vessel to be sanctified and honored, and he needs to learn to pass that onto our children. I wish I didn't have to say it, but vice versa ladies. He is your vessel and you need be possessing him as such too. It also equivelates to loving each other. Therefore everyday, through the changes in my husbands behavior and involvment I am seeing the love of God being restored in my husband to me. There's still a ways to go, but for now, faith spoken declarations and praying HIS word that my husband would love me as Christ loves the church, laying down his life for me in a self sacrificing not a self seeking way (and Ive had to do that for him!), that he would be more than satisfied with my beauty and enraptured with my love, that his heart would honor me and trust in me as declared in Prov. 31, that he would take the log out of his own eye and be accountible for his own behaviour and duties, ( How many of you know where I am coming from with that one? I had to go back to making that a prayer recently because he started being critical again and really coming at me for things he should have been responsible for and helping me with.)These are all scriptures you can pray and make as your declarations of faith. The bible says a man does not know the way he should walk. In essence, he is an empty vessel that can be filled and directed by your prayers. That is an awesome and powerful privelege! Of course I could keep going on because the word of God is alive and it never stops speaking! I have to stop somewhere. I am just so happy to just to see things evolving as the Lord has promised and I had to share it! Im sure I got way off topic of what I intended to say, but I don't ever know when to shut up. You can ask my husband. He'll tell ya! :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013


It's been a rough couple of weeks, but I am still here. Fighting with a greater confidence. Things are all coming together in my heart and mind now. My security in the Lord is back where it used to be, my understanding is beyond what I could have seen, and my faith is greater in the Jesus in me. I am standing as an individual strengthened in my Christ once again, relying on my relationship with Him and not my husband, not needing or demanding him anymore. I can't believe how much I have changed this last year, but even more so, my understanding just in the last two weeks as I had to press into the warfare that I thought was coming to an end. I have to laugh thinking how much I was begging God here the other night that this was it, this was all I could give. I needed something back in return. I have gone past all I have ever known and all that I have ever done, honestly hoping He would miraculously just put an end to the battle, convict my husband in one night like so many other testimonies I have heard, and all of a sudden he would be saying, " I'm sorry, I love you", instead of another horrible Valentines evening of "I don't love you, I don't care about you anymore!" But I am just a girl of fantasies. Instead the Lord tells me He's not going to do that because it's about the journey. Oh goody me! I get the long version of the drawn out fantasy. I will have the desire of my heart, but as I said before, God is refining my life, my marriage, setting not only myself free of all past bondage and oppression, and every single bad habit, but also my family,and more importantly, transforming my husband and drawing him into true salvation and a real intimate relationship with Jesus, Himself. I cannot believe how deep we have gone this time. Each time Him saying..mmmm, just a little bit more...just a little bit deeper. I laugh because all along I have been praying Lord take me deeper. Lord set us free. Lord, my children will be children of freedom and children of the promise. I just didn't know we were going to do it all in one night. That's what it feels like. But then again, I prayed for acceleration of the blessing. I guess He knew with His help I could do it. Lol Well, the blessing and the anointing doesn't always come without a cost. Think about what kind of a spoiled brat we would be then. Thinking we are always entitled to everything we wanted without any appreciation or character. Sounds like a couple of teenagers I know of here lately.

So here I am. Feels like the night I had eight teeth pulled before getting my braces, but it was worth all the pain to have a beautiful smile. I know you think I am crazy! How can I know my prayers are being answered when I keep going through one more thing after another. That's how I know. Every step Jesus is directing me what to do, what to pray, strengthening me for just one more day. He is so amazing! He sees the heart and needs of the other person. I just needed to lay down my life for them and pray for them. I needed to learn to react differently to my husband and pray. Just like the other night. I sat alone eating dinner by myself again. Thinking about how he screamed at me on Valentines day also saying "you always get what you want." I'd like to beg to differ, but there was no use in arguing the same argument. All I wanted was my husband to sit with me, not at the computer. I remembered right before he told me about her that I had asked him to come sit with me and the kids for dinner and he hollered at me "I don't want to, I am leaving soon." I had no idea where that was coming from, but it hurt. Now I had to deal with this hurt too. Insult upon insult, but my God is greater!!! This time I said, "Lord thank you for sitting here with me and enjoying dinner with me. I am not alone. You are here with me." Immediately I felt His presence upon me and the rest of my night became a night of praise. That is all He was looking for. Looking for me to turn to Him instead of yelling at my husband that he doesn't spend time with me, only to have him argue that he does. Only this time he would remind me that he doesn't care anymore, so it was pointless anyways. That praise turned into powerful weapons of worship that pulls down strongholds. That is what God means when He says our weapons are not carnal but mighty in the pulling down of strongholds!

2 Corinthians 10:4-6

4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6 And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.


Now my obedience is nearing it's completion. My new behavior is becoming habit.(Even my husband commented he noticed I am not reacting the way I used to. Amen! That was the goal right? To become silent and show him with my ways, as the bible directs) I have learned to think and react from the right starting place. I have more of God's word in me. I have been delivered from several strongholds and generational curses. I have learned to put my needs and security back in the Lord and not my husband. I have learned to submit my husband to the Lord and not try to control him or discipline him myself. I have been learning to love him and respect him the way that God wants me to. I have come to the realization that when my husband errors or gets trapped in sin I am to pray for him. ( Where the heck as Christians did we forget to do this for our spouses? They wrong us and hurt us , they fail to meet our expectations and we want to leave them, condemn them, or kick them to the curb. We forget they need us to pray for them just as much as our brothers or sisters, or our neighbors.) I have learned how to help someone else get through their journey as long as they are willing to travel it. There is a great reward and blessing just on the other side.

So tonight I rest in peace. My husband has been showing some affection towards me,to which I am grateful to the Lord! But I know something he doesn't. God is in control and He is changing him everyday. I have been praying and declaring " Thank you Lord for making my husband the mirror image of Jesus from glory to glory." His word cannot return to Him void! Hallelujah! It has to accomplish what was spoken, what it was sent to do. You may not see it working today or tomorrow, but one day it will just spring up! Today as I meditated on that prayer the Lord ever so gently rested in my heart showing me that also means that my husband WILL love me the way Jesus loves me because he is the mirror image of Jesus. Because he is the mirror image of Jesus, he will be intimate with me the way Jesus is intimate with me. Because he is the mirror image of Jesus, he will love me with the same kind of passion and affection that Jesus loves me with. Because he is the mirror image of Jesus, he will be attentive to me in the same manner Jesus is attentive to me, to my needs, to all my wants, to all my likes and desires. It just goes on. That's how good God is! There is no end to His goodness or capabilities! It's all in learning to trust Him and apply all that He is trying to give you, and wait for His timing.

To be honest, I hate closing on this note without giving you all the specifics of my battle and training. I know you are eager to get going and applying these same tactics in your life, but it must always start in you seeking Him and trusting Him first. Your walk may differ of course. Many of you will not have all the struggles I have had. Others may have more. God is in control. He will direct you and strengthen you. He will never leave you or forsake you. Jesus died loving you, and you.

Trust in this you pray for your spouse know...

2 Corinthians 4:16

Therefore we do not give up. Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day.

Thank you Lord! For I know the outer man of my husband is dying, it is being destroyed! (that's the part you are seeing with your eyes,the part that is raging against you because it is corrupt and dying!) but his inner man is being renewed in You and by Your Spirit day by day! (that's the part you choose to believe and trust in!)
I don't look at the circumstances! I choose to believe in You and Your word! (Not what my eyes see or ears hear) You are greater! You are above and not beneath the circumstances and what my eyes see!

As you are praying this for your husband you will see that your old self is dying too, and YOU are being renewed day by day in your mind and heart.

(Trust God! He says He will compensate you for all your trouble and pain. He says you WILL see the defeat of your adversaries! Your ears WILL hear it!)

2 Corinthians 3:18

We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory; this is from the Lord who is the Spirit.

I find in myself now and I can see... I AM becoming the mirror image of Jesus. I AM behaving more like Jesus. I Am thinking more like Jesus. I Am loving more like Jesus!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


"A voice is heard in Ramah [Arizona ;)], weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted..." Mathew 2:18.

I've always had so much compassion for mankind. I feel as though you are my children. You always have been and you always will be. As long as I am able to pray for you I will adhere to my senses as your spiritual mother, refusing to be comforted until I know salvation has come to you. Taking a protective stance over you in prayer, praying for your provision, fighting for your spiritual freedom and prosperity. I will love you because Jesus loves you.

The last two prayer sessions have had some tremendous power flowing. I am finally at the place of command. Things are breaking, moving, and finally being released. For so long I could always feel the blessing and the anointing flow into me, but rarely did it ever flow out. I struggled with this not understanding why things weren't moving and flowing through me. It's there, I feel it, but why do I feel stopped up? Stagnant? Like a lake or reservoir that fills up and with no outlet to run fresh. A true meaning of a constipated Christian I suppose. Frustrating!! Now that I have been delivered of the strongholds of my flesh I can feel things moving with power! Oh! That's what it's supposed to feel like! It feels good! Yes, release feels good! You know what I'm talking about! ;) People if I could just get you to understand the things that stop us up in the spirit. Sin and these strongholds that we ignorantly and sometimes willingly give place to, hinder the blessing from flowing in our lives. But no more! God is getting ready to do what He said He would do! In my video I told you Isaiah 46 says...

9 Remember the former things, those of long ago;
I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me.
10 I make known the end from the beginning,
from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say: My purpose will stand,
and I will do all that I please.

(You should see me with my arms raised shaking my fist yelling YAAAAAA!!!!!!)

I just wanted to bless the Lord last night. I just started shouting out praises to Him. I can't even remember all that I said, I know I was praying for your deliverance and I know that as I started praying," Lord do what pleases you! Come Lord and do what pleases you! You said you are God and you will do what pleases you! (Isaiah 46 9-10) I know it pleases you to set your children free!" At this point there was so much going on in my mind and heart. I know that people have been so blinded and we have willingly given place to false idols and beliefs which are lies from the devil, and accepted the corruption of the world. How can they know Lord? So much hurt, so much pain, so much struggling. Please forgive us, please forgive them, they do not know, they do not understand. Immediately I felt as if a gate in heaven had been opened and a flood of heavenly host came charging out of it on horses! I thought my God just sent an army. He just sent an army!!!! And then it came to my spirit He sent an army to round up the minions that have been wrecking havock in this world and in you! I started to praise Him because I knew then He sent an army to take back this world and I started praising Him and shouting the earth is yours Lord! The earth is yours Lord!

Psalm 24:1

1 The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it;

Do you need a second witness?

Psalm 89:11
11 The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours -- you created it all!

Yes! The Calvary is coming!! If things seem to be suddenly going chaotic or getting worse in your life, it's only for a moment. Things have been stirred up in the spirit world. The enemy is freaking out and battling trying to keep the ground he has obtained, but he HAS TO GO! In the name of JESUS!!! Now is the time to press into His word and stand in HIS strength, not your own, and stand in faith!

Just a little bit ago the Lord brought to my spirit His word, "I will not bring famine upon you." (Ezekiel 36:29) I have been praying this over the financial realm of my life, but tonight God spoke this to me for you, showing me He is not going to bring spiritual famine upon you, He is removing it right now! "I will save you from all your uncleanness......I will not bring famine upon you." He knows (my children) you are tired, He knows how weary and defeated you are, how empty you feel. He wants to fill you up. He is going to put His Spirit in you, His strength, His love. I just started crying because I could feel His love for you and the freedom and release He is bringing to you. Rejoice in Him! Now I understand He has sent an army to round up the minions that have been tormenting you and to remove the spiritual famine you have been experiencing. I can't even express to you the greatness of the flow of His Spirit and love! He loves you so much! Jesus loves you! Just let Him flow! Hallelujah! NO MORE SPIRITUAL FAMINE!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Enduring Valentines

I have to share this letter from Lynn Donovan coauthor of Winning Him Without Words. It was very inspiring and comforting to me. Every year at Valentines I long for the kind of romance you see on Tv and read about in books. Always left feeling like I was the only married woman who was never given any flowers, chocolate, or cards from my beloved spouse. There were a couple of times that I did receive a gift, but it didn't feel so romantic after a bunch of griping and prodding on my end. I just never understood. Of course after last years birthday and Valentines celebration came and went with total devastation as his mind and heart was set for someone else, doing the romantic things I always begged him for with someone else, while he tore my heart apart with his harsh words and actions,I'm left feeling a little jittery about my upcoming birthday and Valentines day this year.I never really thought about how close the two were. Last night it made me feel kind of special. I wondered if I should continue my plans to do something nice and special for husband without any expectations. I wondered if it was okay to hope for something nice this year. Hoping the Lord had been able to work enough love and change into my husbands heart. The Lord has done an amazing job, and so quickly at that. When I stop and think about all that has gone on and could have happened, a year doesn't seem that long anymore. It's only been six months since my husband suffered from a broken heart as the Lord severed the ungodly relationship that was taking place outside of the covenant. I had and have to endure the season of healing in his heart, and I haven't been exactly patient about it. I am so thankful for the Lord's grace that has been more than enough during my times of weakness. I love Him ever more! I love Him for what He has taught me. I love Him for helping me to love my husband more. I am grateful that the Lord has been in control and my husband is still home with me and our children. I am grateful as I see the Lord working deliverance into my husband, myself, and our family life in all aspects. The Lord is faithfully fortifying and inhabiting US! He is rebuilding that which has been destroyed and devastated. He confirmed again to me this last Saturday through a man of God at church. I will have my reward for my obedience and endurance. I wait on the Lord!

This letter from Lynn shows me again that I am not the only woman who longs for the typical idea of romance and that I can and should take the initiative to bless my husband, knowing that I WILL reap what I sow. I sow love, kindness, romance into my husband WITHOUT putting expectations on him, and the FATHER who sees all will reward me. I can put all my expectations on Him and His Word!

(But first I wanted to include this verses for your reference)

Galations 6 (read this over a couple of times. I just got some new revelation myself :))

6 The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him. (Do you see it? I just did. The person that is learning has to bless and give back to the one doing the teaching. The law of reaping and sowing already in effect. Your action of sowing love is teaching the other person. You are planting seeds that will produce fruit for you to reap!)
7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 9 Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. 10So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.

Colossians 3:23-24
23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.

Ephesians 6:8

8 because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does

Hebrews 6:15 (My New Favorite)

having patiently endured, he (she) obtained the promise.

Valentine's Day is strange! (by Lynn Donovan)

This day could make me one of the happiest women alive or shatter my life. In the early years of my marriage, I had expectations of surprise trips to some warm destination. I dreamed of three dozen roses arriving at the bank which would make all my coworkers green with envy. I wanted him to sweep me off my feet because after all I deserved it. I mean really.....

After all, he was lucky enough to snag me.


Don't pretend you haven't had thoughts along these lines as a young bride. Perhaps you still might.

Well, I am writing to you today for a couple of reasons. I wish when I was young and starry eyed about love, a wise woman would have come along side me to help me get a grip on reality. I may not be the wisest woman but I care so very much about your tender heart.

My first five Valentine's Days I was lucky in that my husband remembered to buy me a card. Many of you tomorrow won't receive anything from your spouse. However, I wanted bouquets of flowers. I was so disappointed I cried.... Alone in the closet. Okay, Jesus cried along with me.

So, as this greeting card holiday looms, it helps to share a heads-up. Our husband's might disappoint us. Remember, our expectations of our men can be very selfish and our men often feel that no matter what they do, they can never make us happy.

I can hear some of you saying right now.... But, why shouldn't I expect some token of love on this day we celebrate romantic love? Well, honestly, I believe you should. However, it doesn't always happen.

Let me share how our Valentine's Day changed over the years. After five years of a card when "I wanted more," I took matters into my own hands.

I began to plan Valentine's Day and didn't wait for my man to make dinner reservations. I made reservations or planned a candle light dinner at home. If I wanted a bouquet of flowers, I bought them. I bought lingerie then wrapped it up to give to him with a promise to model it.

I'm not sure when it started to happen but flowers began to arrive at the house around Valentine's Day in the strangest way. I remember opening up the front door one year to a smiling FedEx driver. The driver looked at me wearing a great big smile and holding a large thin box. She said, "Mrs. Donovan, this is one of my favorite deliveries to make." The box was filled with live fresh flowers. They were pink and beautiful and ...... guess what...

I cried.

~But not in the closet.

God can change any man but I bet He is gonna change you first. Don't wait on him. Plan something now and make this Valentine's Day a great day.

Have a wonderful day and don't forget that Jesus is really the only one who can fill the hole in our hearts. Happy Valentine's Day and may the Lord send you several tiny love notes and delight your heart.

Be Blessed, Lynn

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Change is coming..I can feel it.

I truly felt today that the change I have been praying for is coming! The changes I have been praying for in my husbands heart mostly. I could just feel the Holy Spirit reassuring me He is doing it! He is transforming his heart and renewing it! I just started praising Him! He does a work that worketh effectively! I just felt as if the Lord was laying on my husband, like the prophet did, bringing every cell in his body back to life. I just started praying yes Lord, You are in him, and all around him! He belongs to you! He is your possession! Hallelujah! I know change is coming in all areas and aspects of my life. Woo! Hoo! I am so excited! It won't be long now! Pressing in!

Here we go...I felt the change coming today. It's coming....So I can't...I won't..
I'm not about to give up
Because I heard you say
There's gonna be brighter days!....I wont stop, Ill keep my head up
No, I'm not here to stay....I just might bend but wont break
As long as I can see your face...I'm gonna move!

What God says to Israel

Well I got news for you...this is what God says to Israel.....
1“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
2 See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
and his glory appears over you.
3 Nations will come to your light,
and kings to the brightness of your dawn. Isaiah 60:1-3
Isaiah 60:10-12
10“Foreigners will rebuild your walls,
and their kings will serve you.
Though in anger I struck you,
in favor I will show you compassion.
11 Your gates will always stand open,
they will never be shut, day or night,
so that men may bring you the wealth of the nations—
their kings led in triumphal procession.
12 For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish;
it will be utterly ruined."
Isaiah 60:18
18 No longer will violence be heard in your land,
nor ruin or destruction within your borders,
but you will call your walls Salvation
and your gates Praise.
Isaiah 60:22
"I am the Lord;
in its time I will do this swiftly.”