Saturday, December 15, 2012

When A Stander Says MERRY CHRISTMAS!

M - Marriage was created and ordained by God. It is a covenant between you, your spouse and God.
E - Jesus Christ was born to save the lost and give them eternal life.
R - Your Lord wants to restore, rebuild and resurrect your hurting or dead marriage for God to get all the glory, honor and praise.
R - Let God become your refuge and your rock who will rescue your beloved spouse from the enemy’s camp.
Y - You cannot change your spouse's heart, but God can.

C - Christ was born in a manger and died on the cross at Calvary for you, your spouse and your family's sins.
H - The Holy Spirit wants to be your Comforter, Counselor, Provider and Friend every day of your life and especially right now.
R - Resist the enemy. Resist giving up on your husband or wife as you stand with God for marriage restoration.
I - Ignore all the tricks, schemes and circumstances that come from the enemy, Satan. Keep your eyes on your Lord Jesus every day.
S - Stand firm on the promises of God. He will never fail you!
T - Trust in the Lord for your life and your marriage restoration. His timetable will be perfect!
M - When you married your spouse, never forget your wedding vows. You are no longer two, but one flesh with a covenant with God.
A - Do not allow anger, adultery or alcohol or any other sins of the flesh to destroy your marriage. Pray for the Lord to transform you and your spouse's heart completely.
S - Scriptures -God's Holy Word. Start reading and memorizing God's Word to change you and then transform your spouse's hardened heart.
Please continue to be faithful and pray for your beloved spouse and all prodigal spouses and children. Ask the Lord today to bless you and your family during the Christmas holidays with a special gift from Him. Start thanking the Lord every day for what He is doing on the other side of your mountain.
Be blessed,

Charlyne Steinkamp
Rejoice Marriage Ministries, Inc.

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