Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I Am Starting To "Get It"

I meant to write about this a few days ago but I have been so busy and always wondering if writing these blogs is the right thing to do. Besides the things going on in the relationship realm I was also let go from my job for the first time ever in October and been kind of struggling in that area too, but the Lord has been providing. Even more now I have felt the need to be completely honest about myself and my struggles because it IS helping someone else. Someone else is going through similar stuff, someone else has felt, thought, or acted the same way. The difference is how we deal with it. Some of us turn to the Lord and keep pressing in until we have the victory. We need to share with others how it is done. Dr Juanita Bynaum said you can't pick up someone else if you have never fallen yourself. So true! Life is a journey of lessons! I think I am realizing now what those lessons are to be about. These lessons are not about developing yourself into the perfect person or having the perfect American dream. There is no such thing as perfection in our lifetime. Lol. This really has helped me to relax...a little. :) Our main goal is to learn to develop a relationship with Jesus and prove that God really is who He says He is, and that His word is true. How can that happen if we never fall? He has to be the one to pick us up so we can go and shout and proclaim "Look what the Lord has done for me!!" His power is perfected in our weakness. If you were strong all the time you would never see the real power of God. I can honestly say now I would not want that to happen. Seeing the real power of God is a tremendous honor. He is so amazing and He does things that just boggle your mind. In a crazy way you look back and almost wish to go through it again just to see His hand again. I feel for those people who have not yet understood the power in waiting on the Lord, allowing the test and trial to work on their character. They can't look forward with anticipation of the next good thing the Lord is going to do, and they can't look back without feeling the paining sting of every hurtful memory. It doesn't have to hurt anymore. It is a daily step by step walk in progress. Learning and trusting the Lord everyday. Something I realized from my dad a few days ago, it's okay to go at your own pace, the important thing is if you fall down that you get back up and you take another step. You keep reaching for the Lord.

Another lesson I'm learning during this journey is dealing with those negative thoughts and emotions. My understanding is increasing everyday. God wants us to have the mind of Christ, that includes how and what we think about others. The other day thoughts of my husbands actions came to mind and I started to think of him in not so good of terms. I started to get angry as I began to dwell on them I then stopped myself. I know this is a tactic of the enemy now to persuade me to open those doors. I realized later after thoughts came to mind from the lessons of Grahame Cooke talking about one's identity and thinking from the RIGHT starting place (The Art of Brilliantly Thinking), tucking them away isn't necessarily the right thing to do either. We have to act on them, do what God's says to do with them or they will keep coming back. So first, I went to the Lord and repented. Lord, you said to cast down EVERY thought that tries to exalt against the true knowledge of God. Please forgive me of those things I was thinking towards my husband. Those thoughts I was thinking about him were not true, those are not YOUR thoughts. That is not how YOU see him. That is not his TRUE identity in You. (This is where you start confessing God's word over your spouse and speak those things that are not, as though they are, so God can begin to line things up). You said he is a new creation in You. He has put off the old corrupted man and is living as a new man in Christ. He is bound to the mind of Christ and the purposes of Your heart. You have given him a new identity, one that honors you, for he is becoming the mirror image of Christ from glory to glory. (You just keep speaking God's word over him and this is where you begin to transition into praise. Thank the Lord for the husband you see him as and for the Lords goodness. Think and praise the Lord for all His good benefits and all the things you are believing Him for. As you keep going in praise you suddenly find yourself in mountain moving worship of the Lord God Almighty!)

This is what is pleasing to the Lord. This is where change occurs because of obedience and praise to the Lord. I can finally say I am starting to "get it".


  1. THANK YOU for encouraging me to press on! : )

  2. Thank you Anna and Marlene! Your support and prayers mean a lot to me.

  3. Hey Anna, if you get this I wanted to follow up with you and see how you are doing. I wasn't able to send you a message on your blog page. I hope all is well.
