Saturday, May 28, 2011

Not sure where to begin, all I know is I am excited to finally be getting away with my family to go camping! Used to write blogs all the time for fun on Myspace but things started changing and switched over to Facebook like everyone else and became quickly addicted, but like every thing else it got old and I needed a break from things, mostly relating to family that were finally getting to me. You really see things differently on Facebook. Even in myself I now realize how some things are portrayed that aren't really true, I like to joke around, I am very open and expressive, I accept all kinds of people of all ages and believe I am the person I am because I am meant to reach out and touch so many types of people in this life. Some people don't understand the truth or care to ask and make judgements, that doesn't really bother me, but things did seem to be heading in a direction I didnt want to go so it was time to take a break. Also realized I don't really think people care about what is going on with me and my life or what I have to say so why post it? Today however, I am feeling good about writing since I am going camping.Its been a while since Ive been up in the mountains. Most of you know I am out of my element and besides myself when Im not outdoors or in touch with nature. I can't wait to see the sunlight streaming through the branches of the trees, listening to the rain, and waking up to the birds chirping at a new crisp morning. I didn't even haven't to beg and drag the kids! Jacob didn't hesitate to grab his bow and ask for a new fishing pole. You want to fish? You're not going to argue about leaving the confines of your dungeon?? No computer??? Get the boy a pole and fishing license..snap!! Getting a later start than planned but what can I say after working over 60 hours this week. Could say a few more words, but I gotta go grab a book and get going. Sayonara!!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Life after Death, And Along Came Grace

So I said before I would introduce myself, ya, no, I decided not much to tell. You'll eventually figure me out after reading a few blogs. My two kids are the most precious thing to me, but that goes for any parent. My heart and passion belong to my Lord Jesus. I dont hide my feelings or beliefs concerning Him. We had a lovers quarrel you could say, a couple of years ago now. It was only recently I was able to say that He broke my heart. I didnt think He could ever do that ,but He did. Surprised that He didnt deny it. BUT! He was ever so quick to rush in and comfort me and start the healing process. He draws nigh to the broken hearted. Step by step He reaveled the truth in my situation and I saw that, as a loving Father He did what He had to do for me. Some say I have dodged a bullet. I guess so, but Ill always wonder what if? Now I just wonder why hadn't He stepped in a little sooner and spared me the pain. Some would say free will was at play. Perhaps, all I know is that I came through able to forgive and find peace with the situation. I am happy again, I found love again. I discovered grace again and her amazing strength! So much that I want to share with someone else! I discovered this is life, I want to give life away! It is without words when you can come through something that feels like death to you and not have any bitterness and want to live like never before! Want to love when you wanted to hate. It is beyond me! That goes to show His ways are higher than my ways and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts. Isaiah 55:6-11. Guess I found some inspiration to write again afterall.

Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew He also predestined....Those He predestined, He also called, He also justified; Those He justified, He also glorified!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lets give it a try!

I came across blog spot purely by accident, well, it seemed to be more of an answer to my prayer of questions, that came with answers, but it was purely out of curiosity! I have gone over the thought of starting my own blog since March. Should I start one? I have myspace that I can blog on, I have facebook that I can write notes on and distribute as blogs, even though you can't tell if anyone has viewed it, so what is the point of joining blogspot? I dont know, but I am feeling more inspired to write lately even if no one reads them. I love to read and write usually. Its just been a while since I have felt any inclination to say anything publicly. Devastation and stress has left me without many words, or at least postive ones to say. Ive pulled through and I am slowly coming back to my bubbly talkative self. Gaining new inspirations! Cant say I am the same inside, I am definately in a different place mentally and emotionally than two years ago, but deep down still me. Still fighting to get this heart of mine beating strongly again. I find myself getting more involved politically and taking more political stands. I feel good about that and I seem to find strength and passion in it. I will probably be writing blogs about it. I hope you enjoy reading them, if not then don't. I have a mind and heart of mine own and Im not afraid to express it or share it. Im not afraid of learning, listening to other peoples opinions, or debating! Ill give blogspot a try for now and Ill introduce myself later on. :) Ta-ta for now!